ExpensePoint WEB 1.0

It allows your employees to create, submit and process expense reports online
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1.0.17305 See all
GlobalPoint Technologies Incorporated
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No matter what size your company is, ExpensePoint WEB™ is truly the answer to fully automating and streamlining your expense report process. ExpensePoint® will allow your employees to create, submit, approve and process expense reports online from virtually anywhere in the world.

Unlike other web-based applications, ExpensePoint WEB™ allows users to create expense reports online or offline while traveling. Reports that are created offline are conveniently synchronized once the user connects to the ExpensePoint WEB™ server.

ExpensePoint WEB™ will allow your company to manage corporate expense policies throughout your entire organization. ExpensePoint WEB™ allows multi-national organizations to manage an entire global expense system using different requirements such as multi-currencies and tax tracking.

ExpensePoint® is generally offered as a vendor hosted solution or your company has the option to self-host ExpensePoint WEB™.

ExpensePoint WEB™ will revolutionize your entire employee expense report process and add value to a non-value process. There's nothing quite like it!

Main Features :

-Online/Offline Access : No matter where your employees are, whether flying at 35,000 feet or in a hotel room, ExpensePoint WEB™ has them covered. There is simply no costly downtime!

-Multi-Currency / Multi-Tax Reporting : Your global travelers need to submit a report where expenses were incurred in 5 different countries? No problem! You have offices in the UK, USA, Tokyo, Australia, and you need to manage a global program with all different currencies and taxes? You always will be covered ! ExpensePoint WEB™ is a global application that handles all currencies and will also capture all necessary taxes such as GST, V.A.T. and PST.

- Corporate Policies : ExpensePoint® will allow you to manage global expense policies, such as: setting maximum amounts per line item, category policies, approval levels, use of vendors, and much more.

- End-to-End Approval Workflow : ExpensePoint® allows you to manage a complete process workflow, from employee-to-approver(s), and right through to accounting. ExpensePoint™ is all about saving your company time and money and improving your expense report process. This system allows approvers and accounting to see and approve expenses live while reports are still in the process of being created.

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This program is excellent in every way. Our company finds it extremely easy to use, it saves us a lot of time and money and is very cost effective to implement. Their mobile version is also pretty awesome.

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